“A long time ago in a distant fairy-tale countryside, a young girl leads her little brother into a dark wood in desperate search of food and work, only to stumble upon a nexus of terrifying evil.”
We are VERY excited to share our very first Passion Project for 2020. Today we will be sharing tribute art based off the upcoming horror, dark fantasy film, “Gretel & Hansel: A Grim Fairy Tale.” Since our last passion project in 2019, we’ve added some sensational new artists to our agency and this will be their first outing with us! After viewing the first trailer to the film we IMMEDIATELY knew we wanted to create art for it.
Here is the art for our tribute to “Gretel & Hansel: A Grim Fairy Tale.”
Art by Poster Posse Pro Andrew Swainson
Art by Poster Posse Pro Rodolfo Reyes
Art by Poster Posse Pro Thomas Walker
Art by Poster Posse Pro Orlando Arocena
Art by Poster Posse Pro Attila Szarka
Art by Poster Posse Pro Courtney Autum Martin
Art by Poster Posse Pro The Dark Inker
Art by Poster Posse Pro Luke Butland
Art by Poster Posse Pro Chris Malbon
Art by Poster Posse Pro Rafal Rola
Art by Poster Posse Pro Nicky Barkla
Art by Poster Posse Pro Ben Mcleod
Art by Poster Posse Pro Scott Hopko